Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sania Mirza, the Youth Sensation Comments...

Sania Mirza, safe sex, pre-marital sex, post marital sex, sania mirza pics

Yes, Sania Mirza is one of the few Indians who are made to make us feel proud of being Indians. The way Sania snatches victory from the opponents, regardless of their rankings, is simply astonishing. She represents population-wise the second largest country, and she keeps herself in the very mode of triumph. Her exultant smiles let us relive the good old days of great Indian status in Hockey.

This time again, Sania Mirza is in limelights, but not because she plays like the Tennis Goddess and keeps the smiles away from opponents' faces. It is due to her comments, on Pre-marital Sex and media is reaching at the brink in publicizing this to any extent possible. Hindu as well as Islamic clerics, both are paying her undeservered ire and just trying to evoke similar feelings in the hearts of common public, the blind followers of clerics.

arising out of all this are:

Why does comments of Sania Mirza, on such a sensitive topic be so important?

Why is whatever the celebrities say become highlights and granted importance, regardless of their very rudimentary knowledge and, next to zero, expertise in that particular field?

Why aren't they given rights to live their life independently and without dissipating its effect (for which, media is more responsible, not the celebrities themselves) on the mob?

This seems completely preposterous to expect a 19-years old youngster like Sania to comment on such thought-provoking topics like, Safe Sex, Pre-marital Sex, and Post-marital sex. Such kind of nuisance definitely end up supplying scoops to newspaper, and publicity to every Mohalla-level political and so-called social service organization, but just wonder its impacts on the player herself, and on her followers.

This kind of pointblank thoughts occur only to earn fortunes by few individuals but those few individuals don't think before highlighting these issues that,
Topics like Sex deserve never ending debates even among the groups of adept human-behaviour analysts, phylosophers, and thinkers. How can one expect a 19-year old girl to make comments on such topics with authority?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Analytic View: Joint Family and Nuclear Family in India

In India, the land of culture and unity, culture and unity are well manifested in the structure of society, indeed in the smaller unit of a society i.e. family. A family is a set of human beings related to each other in a non-professional manner, giving rise to a concrete cohesion within the family. Love, care, and affection are the most prominent human values, which are responsible for maintaining these bonds of relationships within a family.

Typically, a nuclear family may be conceived as a unit consisting of a couple, children, and grandparents, and pets. In India however, there exists a special kind of family structure that really is quite vivid in the way it manages to handle and keep intact the human relations. This special kind of family structure is Joint Family System. A joint family is a collection of more than one, nuclear families that are interconnected by blood relations or marital relations. All the members, regardless of which particular nuclear family (within that joint family) they belong to, live together and share happiness, grief, and virtually every kind of problem and joy together. The joint family in itself simulates a typical view of our multi-cultural, multi-lingual, yet tightly intertwined Indian society.
Indian president replies to a question related to spiritual strengths of India as
“One of our strengths is our joint family system. In this system a problem is no problem. In a nuclear family a problem can destroy a family. We have a number of religions. I find that religions are like orchards, but they need to be linked. Every religion preaches compassion and love. If we can transform religion into a spiritual force then we have arrived. By 2020 we should be a prosperous and happy nation without loosing our civilizational heritage….”

Read more from President’s Interview

Looking more closely into the subject, one would find that there are certain duties which need to be carried out along with enjoying the benefits that a joint-family offers. These couplings of benefits and duties are:

  • Love and Respect: Learn to love, to earn respect, is the key to have harmonious and never-ending relationships. Mutual respect and love are biggest values a joint family can offer. These values, however seek something in return, that something is again the love and respect. In many families, a person, usually father, grandfather, or grandmother, is responsible for taking decisions in virtually every field related to family. The quotation, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, starts proving true in such a scenario. Being an elder, when someone chooses to make any important decision for someone else, say, a teenager child, in the family, he must ask himself/herself:
  • Is his/her decision going to make the child unhappy? If so, find out the reason and rethink over your decision if the reason is justifiable. Otherwise, the child requires counseling from none other than you or the person closest to the child.
  • Is your decision, just a claim of your authoritativeness? If so, you are somewhere wrong, and the decision deserves a careful thought.
  • Is that particular member ready, physically or mentally, to carry out the work or responsibility, you’ve decided for him/her? If not, again that particular member deserves some counseling.
  • Honest Shares in Home-Economy: For many families, there is a single point of income, such as a common shop, a single earning hand, or some revenue periodically generated from fixed assets like rents and royalties. In such cases, eldest member (or the earner) is usually the one, who takes after the economic power and responsibility to manage home funds, divide the share of each nuclear family (within the joint family) rationally. Most of the times, his inability in doing so, becomes the reason for family-partitions. This inability however, may arise due to various factors, including:
  • Dishonesty of himself (or his own nuclear family) or some other family member
  • Inappropriate distribution of responsibilities and rights for each nuclear family, for expenditure. Share of each nuclear family within the joint family must be decided setting up the balance among the needs (education, clothing, and special preferences), number of dependents, contribution to funds, and the special eventual expenditures. This balance is really pivoted on a very sensitive fulcrum, which should be the result of a healthy exchange of honest thoughts of each responsible person in the joint family.
  • Each Individual’s Equal Recognition: is also very important factor for not allowing any inferiority or superiority complex to creep into anyone’s mind. This particularly must be avoided at the level where, parents start expecting their child to be as bright as child (-ren) of other couple in the same joint family, for instance. This sometimes, gives rise to silent bitter feelings and these feelings may end up causing differences.

  • Difference in Opinions: must be taken care of, by all the responsible members of the joint family in a matured fashion. The healthy brainstorming over the issue in question may give rise to an even healthier environment of living. The other way to conquering this problem is having a heated altercation, which makes conditions bad to worse, ultimately resulting in separations.

Concept of nuclear family is deemed to address all the problems often seen in joint families, but at the cost of all the advantages and relationships, which can be experienced only while being in a joint family. Nuclear family system has its own advantages, which exactly are not advantages but the ways out to the problems in joint family. The core strength of the nuclear family system lies in ‘Fewer the members, lesser the problems.’
The problems commonly found in joint family system are automatically eradicated because there is no one to produce those problems, in case of nuclear families. This solution is achieved but at the cost of an ironic set of factors that do count. This set of factors and the results of those factors include:

  • Loneliness and Depression: On account of the busy urban lives of the family members. Very less frequency of the intra-family interactions even causes depression in housewives, grandparents, and even the children.

  • Sharing Joys and Grieves: There are very less people to enjoy a particular delightful occasion, as well as to provide support at the time of family problems.

  • Development of Children: Is usually more dependant on outsiders’ viz. schools, crèche, and various classes, as parents are not capable of coping up with the educational and recreational demands of the children, along with the burden of their own occupation. In a joint family, the scene may be the different because of a greater number of members.
Sometimes, being a part of nuclear family may also allow parents to think and plan for their children’s future without having to worry about anything except their very own problems, not at all related to anyone else.

In many circumstances, only nuclear families are the ones which get an edge. I however, feel that the separation of joint-families, which are one of the cultural heritages of India, can be avoided if all the issues are tackled with healthy and proper communication among the family members. Most important of all, money must never be allowed to be the cause of all the mess.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Your Role in Fighting Terrorism (...Continued)!

Even if we consider ourselves guilty for something going wrong because of our negligence, unawareness, or innocence, we cannot abolish the problem without planning out the solution to it. As for burning issue of fighting terrorism at an individual's level, we require to look where exactly the roots of problems lie, and how an individual begets problems and not to solutions. We need to scratch our minds and find the lines seperating and joining,our practices, our rights, and our duties. We have to figure out what exactly strengthens these avengful people, what act(s) of us drives and encourage them further, what's the ROLE OF US in all this mess!

Here is a discussion of how directly or indirectly we set us away from protection and peace. The ways the human goblins, militants employ are:

Building Local Trust

Style opted by Veerappan, Saddam, and most of others to win faith of local public. In return these militants offer security, stability of rule, and consolation for well-being imposing certain supposedly permissible restrictions on some or all sections of that local society. Their tool in developing that incremental faith is shortcomings of the existing government rule, which is get defeated locally due to real or fake negative hype. As a solution, we must develop ourselves mentally to understand the motto of locally evolving leaders.

Trading on the deprivedness of local security forces

Notice that the militants have the best dwellings at the places where the natural conditions prevail over lives. The members of security forces usually are not capable of coping up with those odd living conditions, because the most of them are from remote places. In addition, they don't have enough means to protect themselves from natural conditions lacking in food, means of living, and even, lack of government supplied training and weapons. They usually are not motivated to build harmonious relations with the local residents, staying away from their families and having entirely different cultural backgrounds from local ethnicities.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Your Role in Fighting Terrorism...

Year 2005, a year of calamities, casualties, accidents, and loss of lives, is yet to be over in a while. No one knows how many more such disasters it has in store for us and for the world, the lovely world, the only place in the universe where life exists.
Many of these accidents were inevitable and were parts of fate or were the consequences of the slyness of satan trading on the temporary laziness of god. The remaininig ones are not because of anything related to god, are just the results of what we don't do, i.e., thinking of ways to defy and defeat Terrorism.

We hear of these terrorists attacks on the daily basis from various forms of media and have an endless lists of these instances. Delhi, the capital of India witnessed loss of hundreds of lives due to bomb attacks that too when all the markets were fully congested with the crowd having the glee and excitement of celebration of festivals like Deepawali and Eid.

To follow the trail of mishappenings, London Bombing, Madrid Train Bombing, attempts of Al-Quaida for abolishing peace, Countering attempts of US resulting into further terrorism, US 9/11 attacks, Underworld's effect in Bollywood , Prevalence of Dawood, Veerappan, Abu Salem, Saddam Hussain, and no one knows how many else such instances are floating in air making it polluted and forcing the social values to succumb to death. To my point, let us think how do we exactly react while hearing of or being victim of any such tragic event in our ambience!

# The immediate feelings, which strike our minds are:

A sad feeling about the fate of the victims, about the future and support of victim families.

A fear with a thanks to GOD feeling realizing that this didn't happen to us, but what if it could have been?

Government should be attentive and alert enough to not let this happen anymore, An angry feeling.

Ultimately, every such feeling evokes a temporary but still existing urge within us to eradicate Terrorism at large. The intensive degree of this very feeling may give rise to a working solution to the majormost problem in this world, Terrorism.

Looking into the core, we find terrorism as a result of anti-social attempts of small sets of extremists (typically, relegional fundamentalists) to outrage the peace by means of violence. The objectives of Terrorism are usually not concievable by the rest of society. This may be justified in the words ranging from War for Rights, Protection of Relegion, Freedom-fight, Retaining of royal estates, and many such futile nouns. Terrorism is result of frustration of certain whistle-blowers who work for their own identity and make weapons the youth power by enticing in various material ways to destroy the mob and invade harmony of the world. The leaders are smart personalities who have potential to earn faith of public by invoking the emotions to an extent capable of making masses the blind-believer of those leaders.

Thus, the mob, the mass, the public, and ultimately, We, who are building a framework for terrorists to succeed, just for the sake of small personal benefits at cost of several lives. The deal is in thinking if we are somehow responsible, how can we find ways to defy and defeat Terrorism.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Jinesh Mehta : the Man in Real Question!

Finally this time, I started thinking of this guy called Jinesh Mehta , who is practically a kind of person who remains inquisitive about everything except that is relevant to his work.

With a variable tempo and frequency modulation in his voice, he possesses the ability to weave every quality of his pals in well-articulated sentences. Rather I should say Jinesh Mehta is a technical poet with the power of Internet under his belt and the eyes tickling vividly with always newly-discovered theories of how he can make comments on pals like Sandeep Shetty.

Jinesh calls him a moonlighting writer who always lots of crap and remains involved in Web Designing and Stuff related to that.

A few days back, he wrote an interesting set of comments on Sandeep Shetty on his Web site and performed an effective SEO on it. He keeps his pals tantalized by his SEO skills...
What more to say...??

Just Jinesh

Gujju Power"